Brian Koldyke
Brian Koldyke is a Talent Management Executive based in Denver, CO. With more than twenty years’ experience driving transformational change through organizations, developing Front Line and Executive Leaders, and building Teams, he has founded Forward 2. Forward 2 is dedicated to the development and enablement of Senior Leadership, Teams and Innovation throughout organizations.
In his previous roles as the global lead for Team Success at Cisco Systems, Brian had responsibility for accelerating the effectiveness of Teams. The intent is to identify the practices and rituals of the Best Teams and scale them across the Enterprise, while recognizing that most teams are not formed such that one size fits all. In his client-facing role, Brian was HR lead for Advanced Services, responsible for partnering with the business to enable strategic development and deployment of our talent. Previously, as the Services Talent Officer, Brian was responsible for the execution of the Leadership Review Process within Services, providing a more disciplined approach to both calibration and development opportunities. In addition, he has partnered with several business functions on significant organization transformations within Services focusing on scalable growth and efficiencies. Finally, Brian has also been involved in the formation of the Talent Management Group, the creation of the Emerging Solutions Group, and the development of the Emerging Country Council Talent strategy.
Prior to Cisco, Brian was Vice President of Operations at WisdomNet / Watson Wyatt. Brian led the WisdomNet consulting and implementation teams focusing on Integrated Talent Management Processes and Systems. WisdomNet was acquired by Watson Wyatt primarily for the Talent solutions; both process and technology, which now serve as the basis for the Wyatt’s Talent Management Practice. Before joining WisdomNet, Brian enjoyed 15 years in technology and organizational effectiveness consulting with Accenture and Booz Allen. He earned his bachelor’s of science degree in industrial engineering from Southern Methodist University.
Brian and family live in Colorado. Brian enjoys being in the mountains with his family, be it skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, hiking, boating, camping or fishing…if it is the weekend he can likely be found in the mountains.